Beauty, thinness and youth: the female body perfection in advertising and the disruptive corporeality of Dove

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We live in a society that values the appearance of individuals and in which the corporeality gains increasing importance in various areas of life, particularly in female context. There is a visual normativity which favors      a stereotypical image of beauty, visible aesthetic trend in advertising discourse. This article has two main objectives: in a first stage, we intend to reflect on how the female corporeality is represented through advertising. For this purpose, we carried out a literature review, through which we verified the existence of three female characteristics that are common to most of the characters of the commercials: beauty, thinness and youth. Thus, we found that there is a widespread appreciation of the female corporeality that reflects contemporary and western aesthetic canons, based on a trilogy that composes the bodily perfection: beautiful bodies, thin and young. This stylization imagery corresponds to ideals of beauty internalized by consumers and prioritized by advertising. Being this the trend, we identified brands that exhibit bodies that do not reflect women’s standardized images. This is the second purpose of this article: to analyze the advertising communication of the Dove. We chose it because it was a pioneer, that is, one of the first brands to present a disruptive speech to current visuality. Dove did not bet on images of women ‘ideal’, but ‘real’. With this strategy, the brand opted to use ‘imperfect’ bodies, not supporting beauty stereotypes to communicate their products, but exploring the physical diversity. Through a literature review, combined with the analysis of some of the most remarkable campaigns of the brand, we characterize an atypical communicational registration and, therefore, stood out in the cosmetic advertising worldwide.

Normativity, corporeality, female context, advertising, Dove


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