From the electoral program to the political campaign on Twitter Analysis of the data subscribed to the interaction on Twitter of the winning campaigns in Medellín and Bogotá for 2019
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This research studies the transfer process that occurs between the government program of a candidate to hold public office and his political campaign through social networks. In particular, the framing, prominence, and meaning assigned to the messages published in these virtual environments are evaluated and the emotional charge assigned to the information is examined. The analysis has as a case study the regional elections of October 27, 2019, in Colombia, specifically the Twitter campaigns of the winning candidates of the mayoralties of Bogotá and Medellín. The comparative study of the publications of both candidates is done using the data analysis platform: Python - Orange3, which includes mathematical models for natural language analysis and sentiment analysis. The conceptual framework of this study is supported by the Agenda Setting theory and the message framing concept developed by McCombs and Evatt; notions that allowed establishing the contribution that the imminent transfer of electoral contests to social networks has made to the political debate.
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