Community narratives in the construction of the social imaginary. Approaches to the story as a living resource of collective memory

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Ismael Colín Mar


This work tries to establish the composition of the discursive properties of the narrative to describe and deepen some connections that the social imaginary poses. From this perspective, the story, which emerges from the narrative, appears as the living, dynamic and oralized resource that establishes the nature of the facts and nests them in the memory of the social community. In its structure, the story is configured from discourses that respond to a vigorous oral tradition, where the identity references of the communities are reflected. At the same time, this formulation also aims to explain how stories are woven into the conformation of a series of beliefs, desires and cultural recreations. This set of processes is condensed into the category of the social imaginary. The particular connection of the narrative and its extension in the story, as well as the articulation of the historical references supported by the collective memory of a space, are the permanent nourishment of the constitution of an imaginary, that is, of an emerging imaginary.

Narrative, Story, Discourse, Memory, Social imaginary


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