The Society of Jesus in its monumental representation. Transits for the approach of the memory, patrimony and heritage
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Studying social phenomena from the relational fabric involves focusing attention on the actions of the subjects and with them, in the construction, circulation and reception of meanings and meanings. These aspects, in accordance with the material and historical dimensions that generate them, lead us to understand communication as a complex situational act, changing and fluid where the practices together with the language we use configure the content of these experiences and the ways of linking and perceiving of reality. Based on this, the article proposes to open a debate space to visualize and examine a communication situation from the articulated approaches of Communication and History, proposing to repair the narratives of memory / s and patrimonial discourses by virtue of questioning the forms of re-production and re-signification of them to open the debate on thetransdisciplinarity of communication and on the type of History we build.
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