Recurring dynamics in the cultural dialogue between international migrants and the neighborhood environments. The case of La Floresta, in Medellín

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Hugo Andrei Buitrago Trujillo
Miguel David Bernal Garzón
Juan Esteban Pérez Franco


The article presents the forms of cultural dialogues between international migrants and hosts in La Floresta, a neighborhood of Medellín, pointing out the role that the appropriation and uses of urban space and educational institutions play in these, as well as the scenarios of hybridization and resistance that take place. they give in relation to the institutionality and the age of the inhabitants of the territory. Plasticity, negotiations and cultural resistance that occur in everyday scenarios and in various age groups are identified from an ethnographic and hermeneutic exercise. For the research development, workshops were held with students from educational institutions, also semistructured interviews with migrants, representatives of social institutions and, finally non-participant observation. After this process, it was possible to identify how in the youngest people, whose identities are being strengthened and are permeated by the ease of access to global information, cultural resistance is less and that, for this reason, they operate in their homes as promoters of these intercultural dialogues. Likewise, the relevance of the common cultural elements in the construction of these dialogues and of the public space as a setting for them was evidenced.

Intercultural communication, Migration, Social exclusion, Urban spaces, Medellín


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