The role of the media in strengthening democracy. Towards a seal of quality for reliable, plural and prejudice-free communication media

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Cristian López Raventós
Ferran Padrós Blázquez
Gabriela Navarro Contreras


Taking into account the great proliferation of information to which we are subjected, and that we are immersed in the era of post-truth, we consider that it is essential to have quality information media. This article points out the excess of information to which we are subjected, and also describes the high rates of distorted information or fake news to which we are exposed. Likewise, the phenomena of a psychological nature that affect people’s beliefs and attitudes and that pose risks of abuse of power by the media
are exposed. For this reason, it is proposed that distinctions be granted to those information media that offer guarantees of veracity of the information offered and reserve spaces for plurality, that is, for the expression of opinion from different ideologies, also avoid the formation of prejudices, so that consumers can identify those media that offer quality.

Mass media, Prejudice, News, Social influence, Democracy


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