The problem of the documentary: from the claim of objectivity to an aesthetic and poetic aspiration of reality

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Adriana Mora Arango
Harold Salinas Arboleda


By the mid 20th century, the linguistic turn contributed to reshape the problem of representation of reality, its main foundation was to claim reality as a discursive construction, in other words, language it is not anymore just a simple instrument to name reality otherwise it is assumed as the only way to create it. Therefore, it is not casual that parallel with this phenomenon there were other ruptures in different areas of creation, like some theorists have called the end of Art and specifically with cinema it was the emergence of the idea of nonfiction as a way of re-signifying the notion of documentary or a cinema of reality. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the idea of documentary allows the cinema to emancipate itself from its classic premise, pretending the faithful portrayal of reality presuming as a poetic and aesthetic act, which means as a discursive act.

Documentary, Reality, Language, Linguistic turn, Representation


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