Variables susceptibles de evaluarse en un perfil psicográfico del jubilado de la ciudad de Medellín

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Andrés Camilo Tamayo Gómez
David Restrepo Restrepo


This article aims to analyze the variables that could be evaluated in a psychographic profile of retired people from Medellín. To do this, they were developed a series of interviews with retirees and professionals who work with this population. In the conceptual framework it explores major theories dealing with the retiree, the psychography and segmenting markets. Initially, identifies the psychological, social and cultural characteristics of retired Medellín; in turn, establishes the indicators of the variables that make up a psychographic profile; and finally relate indicators psychographic profile with the characteristics of retired from Medellin . With the foregoing is a lack of potential for the retiree as a subject and as a consumer group that represents.

The retired, The psychographic, market segmentation