Urban graphics as communication: macro mural La Mariposa, Bogotá

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María José Rodríguez González


This work focuses on the analysis of the communicative practices that are presented in the urban graph of the neighborhoods that make up the macro mural of La Mariposa in Bogotá. Taking into account the way in which the murals and graffiti of the sector, created and developed during the “Habitarte” project during the Mayor’s Office of Enrique Peñalosa, managed to express a language and culture typical of the community, referring to what it wanted to express in its walls and in relation to the dynamics and realities of the territory. In addition to this, the work also seeks to relate these practices, with the theoretical dimension of popular and urban graphics, the dialectic of cultural struggle, depoliticized spaces and the perspective between official and unofficial aesthetics, from an analysis of the configuration modern cities and institutional projects with collaborative work, which generated this intervention in the city. This in order to identify how the community relates to its environment, and how graffiti and urban art become a mechanism to express what both the inhabitants and the institutions want to communicate within the territory and that end up generating processes of appropriations, reflections and resignifications of what is communicated.

Urban graphics, Aesthetics, Popular communication, Subordinate, Institutional projects


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