Gamification as a telematic resource in business communication in times of pandemic

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Javier Fábregas Grau
Santiago Tejedor
Javier Salla García


The aim of this paper is to find out, from the point of view of managers of small and medium-sized enterprises that make extensive use of digital technologies, whether the physical remoteness of people as a result of teleworking (which is growing rapidly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic) hinders interpersonal relations and knowledge of the company’s strategic objectives and values, and whether this same management team is aware of and to what extent it uses gamification as a possible tool for improving internal communication to alleviate or solve this situation.

For this exploratory study, a qualitative methodological perspective was adopted, based on a review of the literature on the role of gamification in the internal communication of companies and using in-depth, semistructured interviews with open and closed questions to the managers of a group of small and medium-sized companies within the scope of the study.

Teleworking, corporate communication, cohesion, virtual communication, gamification, small and medium-sized businesses. Márquez, literary journalism, animal turn


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