Johann Baptist Metz and "Christian Theology after Auschwitz"

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Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce


The purpose of the article is to account for some key notions and elements of Johann Baptist Metz's "Christian Theology after Auschwitz". The Christological proposal of the German Theologian is based on the impact of the Shoah (the Holocaust) upon himself and has as purpose a reflection on the necessity for a social and political mysticism. Thus, Metz aims for recovering the memory of the history of suffering, of which Auschwitz is paradigmatic. Recovering the memory of the defeated might make Christian Theology aware of the dramatic reality of History and might help to prepare it to face better the new challenges.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce, Centro de Formación Técnica - Instituto Profesional Santo Tomás

hileno. Licenciado en Educación y Profesor de Religión y Filosofía por la Universidad Católica del Maule. Candidato a Magíster en Teología Fundamental por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Docente del Centro de Formación Técnica - Instituto Profesional Santo Tomás de la Sede Rancagua, Chile.