Some Keys to Consider the Relation Between Theology and History in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger

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Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce


Considering history as a theological topic is one of the main contributions of theology during the 20th century. Based on this idea, and by establishing a conversation with an essential form of Christology, the article aims to recognize a positive relation between theology and history in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger. This relation is mainly built on the character of Jesus Christ -his Incarnation and Paschal Mystery-, because through him, God has visited history in a new and transforming way. The article also suggests that Ratzinger extends the relation between theology and history to the presence and action of the Church in the world. Thus, the community of believers reveals historically the communion of the Trinity.

Theology of History Joseph Ratzinger Revelation Christology Church


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce, Instituto Profesional Santo Tomás

Magister en Teologia Fundamental por la Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile. Licenciado en Educación y Profesor de Religión y Filosofia por la Universidad Católica del Maule. Docente del Centro de Formación Técnica - Instituto Profesional Santo Tomás de la Sede Rancagua, Chile.