Church, Identity and Culture

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Luis Alberto Castrillón López


The path from the modernity to the postmodernity brings with it fails and breaks that provoke the crisis of the humanism: Though the christianity is not far from suffering the above mentioned consequences yet he presents a few fundamental elements to confront the characteristics that must define the convinced Christian, doing of the christianity a system of sense capable of giving response to the experience of faith and to the challenges of the current culture opposite to the need of meeting, recognition of other one, transcendency, mysticism for the life and intercultural dialog, that is to say, Christian humanism.

Church Postmodernism Christian Identity Christian Humanism


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Article Details

Author Biography

Luis Alberto Castrillón López, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Licenciado en Filosofía; candidato a Magíster en Filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; actualmente es profesor interno de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades, docente investigador
del Grupo Religión y Cultura Categoría “A” Colciencias y del Grupo Iglesia, Teología y Cultura.