The relationship between word and desert in biblical semantics and in the salvific vocation of the jewish-christian tradition

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Waldecir Gonzaga
Luiz Henrique Lucas Barbosa


This article analyzes the umbilical relationship between two important terms for biblical exegesis and for the judeo-christian theological-spiritual tradition: word and desert. In Hebrew they find an even greater spiritual meaning, since dābār has a strong semantic similarity to midbār. More than bringing all the richness of the biblical story that took place in the desert, the aim is to demonstrate that this is a privileged place for listening to the word. In the desert there are love stories that could only be written by the heart of God. Both the Old Testament and New Testament are permeated with these stories. Some of them will be remembered here and we hope to contribute to relativize the negative view of what the desert is. Therefore, the article seeks to analyze the intimate relationship between the terms word and desert, whether in semantic assonance or in the theme of spirituality, which unites the two terms. The desert is not only a place of aridity and solitude, due to its climatic issues, but it is above all for listening to the Word of YHWH, precisely because it is a sober and hard place at the same time, to which God leads his people in order to speak to his heart (Hosea 2,16). This reality is witnessed throughout the Sacred Scriptures, permeating the various biblical corpora, such as the Pentateuch, the Prophets and the Gospels. As Israel had it experience of being led into the wilderness to hear and discern the voice of God, so too did John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah; Jesus Christ himself, in order to enter into greater intimacy with the Father and overcome temptations (Mk 1,12-13 Mt 4,1-11; Lk 4,1-13), listening to the voice that cries in the desert (Mk 1,3; Is 40,3), because in it God speaks affectionately to his people and gives them his word.

God, Word, Desert, Loneliness, Arid, Relationship, Dialogue, Love, Meeting, Spiritual, Prophets, Bible, Old Testment, New Testament


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