The Use of Psalms quotations and allusions in Pauline Writings
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This article aims to provide reflection on the use of quotations and allusions from psalms in Pauline writings. Although it is not possible to be sure about the source used by Paul (LXX or BH), the authors agree that Paul made at least 31 references to the psalms, between quotations and allusions, not counting the echoes. In light of this finding, this article presents the criteria for distinguishing citations, allusions and echoes of OT texts in the NT, based on the studies by G.K. Beale, in his work Manual of the Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, and by R.B. Hays, in Echoes of Scripture in the Letter of Paul. Then, three quotations from psalms and one allusion are analyzed: two safe quotations (Ps 14,1-3 in Rom 3,10b-12; and Ps 112,9 in 2Cor 9,9); one questioned citation (Ps 142.1 in Gal 2.16); and one allusion (Ps 97.2 in Rom 1.17). This analysis will help to understand why Paul employs texts from the Psalter in his writings as well as the literary context, in addition to the criteria the apostle had for referring to such texts. Although it is not possible to accurately determine the source used by the apostle, the present study finds that, as is common throughout the NT, Paul's use of the OT was much more from a Greek version of the LXX than from a Hebrew text. Furthermore, it is clear that Paul both quoted the OT literally and used it freely, depending on his theological intent.
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