The Project of Carrying the Gospel to the Heart of Culture and Cultures

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Alberto Ramírez Z.


The question concerning the future of the church is intimately connected wich the theme of the mission given by the Lord to his apostles (Mc 16,15 s and parallels), and in a very special way, how it should be carried out. This article deals with the current theology of the mission in the context of the renewed ecclesiology of Vatican II. In the same time, it presents a short reading of what has been the history, related to the missionary praxis in the church, from the perspective of the Gospel inculturation and the evangelization of culture. With these reflections the autor would like to contribute to the foundations of some principles which may help us to better understand the way the chuch, through her misión, takes her share in the grat dialogue on the future of mankind and in other dialogues on religión alike.

Evangelization of culture Gospel inculturation The future of religion New evangelization


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Article Details

Author Biography

Alberto Ramírez Z., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Teología de la Universidad de Lovaina, Bélgica. Sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Medellín-Colombia. Profesor de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia y del ITEPAL (Instituto Teológico Pastoral del CELAM). Director del grupo de investigación Teología, Iglesia y Sociedad.