Phenomenology and liberation theology: the theological turn in latin american theology

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Alberto Ramírez Z.


The idea of the theological turn is for us an actual academic tradition which has contributed to reconsider the humanities and, especially, theology. As is well known, the expression "theological turn" was coined by the French philosopher Dominique Janicaud (1937-2002), who used it to question the direction that some French philosophers were giving to phenomenology. Janicaud thought that those philosophers had made phenomenology address issues which were not within its object of study, issues that actually belong to the discipline which purpose is to look for the logos of faith, i.e., theology. Those philosophers had turned the phenomenon of revelation –the "saturated phenomenon" as we call it today using the expression of Jean-Luc Marion and which is understood as an object of experience (especially of mystical experience)– into an object of study of phenomenology, with all which is implied by that.

Liberation Theology Phenomenology Experience Theological Turn Theology


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Article Details

Author Biography

Alberto Ramírez Z.

Doctor en Teología de la Universidad de Lovaina (Bélgica). Sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Medellín (Colombia). Profesor de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB, Medellín) y del ITEPAL (Instituto Teológico Pastoral del CELAM). Director del Grupo de Investigación: Teología, Iglesia y Sociedad. Este artículo es producto del proyecto de investigación Ética y política: las posibilidades de reflexión de la teología mística y la fenomenología de la donación. CIDI- UPB 2014

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