The Only Begotten Son of the Father has Explained God (Jn 1,18) Some Considerations on Verbum Domini

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Hernán Cardona Ramírez


This article studies the text of John 1,18 in the light of the Verbum Domini Postsinodal Apostolic Exhortation. Several translations of the passage are
compared in order to propose another translation which devolves upon Jesus the authentic exegesis. It is under this condition that we may differentiate
the Christian conception of God from the Jewish and Greek conceptions: its development in the gospels shows the life of Jesus as the Word of the Father.

John Jesus Verbum Domini Son of God Exegesis


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Author Biography

Hernán Cardona Ramírez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Teología por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín). Docente en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, Colombia). Miembro del grupo Biblia y Teología. Miembro de la asociación bíblica Salesiana (Roma).