From the Exegesis of the Beatitudes to its Christian Praxis Mathew 5, 3-10

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Carolina Vila Porras


The exegesis of the Beatitudes aims to throw light upon the Christian experience, as an evangelic proposal of Jesus’ unique project when he announced the
Kingdom and the humanization of the human being through the restoration of their dignity. By applying the Historical-Critical Method to the text, some findings that allow seeing a close relation between Law and Gospel are highlighted. However, Jesus, in the Beatitudes, has rather a more humanizing
intention than a paracletic one. The main thesis in the following paper is that the Beatitudes interweave the humanity of Christ in the person who chooses and lives the path of love. Furthermore, they constitute a crucial key for preparing, celebrating and living the sacrament of reconciliation.

Moral concept Ethics Religion Religious experience Religious behaviour

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Author Biography

Carolina Vila Porras, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Bachiller Canónico en Teología por la Pontificia Teresianum de Roma (YaoundéCamerún, 2010) y candidato a Licenciatura Canónica en Teología por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín-Colombia). CC. 1026281513. Técnico Superior en Pedagogía Infantil por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas-Venezuela, 2001). Actualmente pasante investigador del Grupo Biblia y Teología de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín-Colombia). El artículo es un avance de la investigación “Ser cristiano hoy: Propuesta humanizadora
de Jesús en Mt 5, 3-10”.