The Idea of Jewish Law in the New Testament and the Idea Jesus Had of it

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Carolina Vila Porras


Based on a document analysis in the discipline of biblical theology, the article examines the idea of Jewish Law found in some books of the New Testament (Mathew, Paul, Letter to Hebrews, and James) that, according to the Pontifical Biblical Commission (2002), are the ones that exhibit a theological thought about the meaning of law after the coming of Jesus. At the same time, the development of the meaning of the law in the New Testament explains the idea that Jesus had of it. The aim of Jesus with his project of life was not to reject or deny the essential value of law. On the contrary, he used it to highlight the fact that to observe the law and to follow the teachings of the prophets depends on the compliance of the double commandment of loving God and the neighbor.

Jewish Law New Testament Jesus Commandment of Love Neighbor


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carolina Vila Porras, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Teóloga (2010) por la Pontificia Teresianum de Roma, docente de Teología en la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó (Medellín), miembro del grupo de investigación Teología y Filosofía Crítica (FUNLAM), estudiante no egresada por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín-Colombia), el artículo es un avance del proyecto de investigación "Ser cristiano hoy: propuesta humanizadora en Mt 5, 3-10"