Being a Christian Nowadays within the Context of the Practice of Beatitudes

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Carolina Vila Porras


The following paper proposes a path from the experience of the beatitudes which allows the Christian to improve the practice of their faith. In order to achieve this, it first studies the Jewish idea of Law both in the Old and the New Testament. Afterwards, it interprets in depth the message of the beatitudes in Mt. 5, 1-12 and, through that exercise, it leads to their application. The last one becomes an imperative once it is discovered that the practice of the beatitudes shapes the being and acting of Christians. With the purpose of throwing some light into this reality, it is important to do this study according to the interpretation of message of the beatitudes of the evangelist Mathew (Mt. 5, 1-12) in order to suggest a better attitude towards the experience of the beatitudes in the Christian path of faith. Thus, successful results should be achieved, because several advices are offered to the Christian, which might guide them into understanding the message and practice of the beatitudes.

Christianity Christian law Theology Ethics


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carolina Vila Porras, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Bachiller Canónico en Teología por la Pontificia Teresianum de Roma (Yaoundé-Camerún, 2010). Docente de Teología en la Facultad de Filosofía y Teología de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó. Actualmente, pasante investigador del Grupo Biblia y Teología de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín-Colombia). El artículo es un avance del proyecto de investigación "Ser cristiano hoy: propuesta humanizadora de Jesús en Mt 5, 3-10".