God Narrated from a Political Perspective

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Jairo Alberto Henao Mesa


Which are the most significant ideas which derive from the narration of Exodus 6, 1-13? In what way do they have political implications? Is God a reality that includes the political dimension of the people of Israel and of our communities of believers? Those questions provide the grounds for the line of argument of the following paper. The author undertakes a study of the referred biblical passage by using contributions of the synchronic exegesis and intends a hermeneutical approach from other books of the Pentateuch and the Old Testament. At the end, he presents some conclusions which provide pastoral applicability to the subject of God narrated from a political perspective.

God Exodus Goel Salvation Politics


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Article Details

Author Biography

Jairo Alberto Henao Mesa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Medellín. Doctor en Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Magíster en Exégesis Bíblica del PIB - Roma. Profesor de Sagradas Escrituras de la Facultad de Teología de la UPB. Medellín, Colombia.