Narrative about the theological work within the frame of the curricular transformation of the faculty of theology of the UPB
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The following paper undertakes a historical survey of theological work. It offers an answer to the basic questions regarding the different concerns expressed in the key moments of ecclesiastical life up to the Second Vatican Council, which contributed to the development of a theological epistemology. Such a survey makes possible to reveal the role played by the Holy Scriptures, the Tradition and some other actors of that process: the Magisterium, Theologians and the remaining Loci Theologici. It also makes possible to identify how much of this process was influenced by the controversy provoked by the Illustration, Modernism and the new hermeneutic approaches of philosophy. As a consequence, it will be possible to establish the object of study of theology, in what sense it is a science, how all the participants of theological work are reconsidered, and the pneumatological dimension implied. In the end, the role played by the Faculty of Theology of the UPB –as a theological department born of the Conference of Latin American Bishops held in Medellin in 1968–, will also be established.
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