LATIN AMERICA. One Review Over the Subordinate, Poscolonial and Decolonial Processes

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Luis Daniel Botero Arango


A colonial past marcked by social and political exclusión and margination processes in Latin America, have caused deep breaks in the región for the actual conditions of a democratic way of living. The permanent instability of its institutions and the lack of conditions for the complete right´s garanties for the citizenships force to reconsider permanently its situation and to suggest some alternatives for its development.

The purpose of this paper is to think about some concepts and categories that, accodording to my point of view, have marcked the development of political history in Latin America and reconsider them under the light of the actions that all kind of social movements that have grown up in the different countries, in order to improve its living conditions. The recognition and aperture of the public space for the different proposals that can be made in a civil society which is demanding, are the basic principles.

Subordinate, Poscolonial, Decolonial, Modernity, Democracy


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