Reform and Synodality. Towards an ecumenism deepened at all levels in the theology of Hans Küng

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Ricardo Miguel Mauti


Theology and the current magisterium have placed the themes of reform and synodality at the center of their attention. However, both are intertwined in the ecclesial renewal movement that prepared, celebrated and carried forward the unfinished reception of the Second Vatican Council. It can be said that the topic is highly topical, although it has already been in theological reflection for more than 60 years. This article focuses on the relationship established between both themes in the ecumenical theology of Hans Küng (1928-2021). The Swiss theologian has thought of the concepts of reform and ecumenism in synergy, has put them in relation, pointed out their contrasts. and provided a critical view showing the deep ties that unite them. The perspective of this study integrates the biographical-theological element as a hermeneutical criterion, which allows discovering the dynamic aspect of its proposal. As in every great theologian, also and particularly in Küng, the "biographical" acquires a central place to integrate the multiple nuances offered by his unique vision, both of ecumenical dialogue and interreligious dialogue. For this reason, the method adopted in this contribution is that of a biographical theology, which attempts a diachronic-synchronic proposal of its multiple interconnections, pointing out contributions and limits. In the article we present in four points, the challenge of a synodal church from a deepened ecumenism at all levels, which includes a reform in fidelity to the Christological foundation, ecumenical openness with the Christian churches, dialogue with religions and the challenge of accepting a world ethic. Some open conclusions account for both the suggestiveness of the author's proposal and the criticism that has accompanied it.


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Article Details

Author Biography

Ricardo Miguel Mauti, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctor en Teología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Profesor e investigador en la Facultad de Teología (UCA) y en los Seminarios diocesanos de Santa Fe, Paraná y Rosario. Sus áreas de docencia e investigación: eclesiología,
ecumenismo, Vaticano II y teología latinoamericana.