Laicism and laicity in Colombia

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Carlos Arboleda Mora


One of the social phenomena nowadays is the debate on laicism and laicity. It is the lack of understanding of the essence of a pluralistic State that brings about confrontations and cultural clashes. As a contribution to this discussion, this essay proposes four points: the origins of the concept of “laicity” and “laicism”; a short review of clashes between Church and State in the 19th century in Colombia; a synthesis of the social teachings of the Church on laicity and, to close the argument, some proposals to reflect on how to achieve in Colombia an inclusive laicity, exempt of any agression towards religious groups and communitites .

Laicity – Laicism Relations between church state Religious pluralism

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Author Biography

Carlos Arboleda Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Sociólogo de la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Master en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. Actualmente es profesor de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Director del Grupo de Investigación “Religión y Cultura” de la misma Universidad. Director del Secretariado de Ecumenismo de la Arquidiócesis de Medellín. Ha publicado entre otros: Adolescentes y Satanismo, Secum, Medellín 1999; El pluralismo religioso en Colombia, Secum, Medellín 1999; El politeísmo católico, UPB, Medellín 2001; además de numerosos artículos en diversas revistas.