Why did they Kill Jesus?

Main Article Content

Ariel Álvarez Valdés


This article remakes for us, in a simple manner, some different readings done by each evangelical community of the reasons why Jesus was led to Calvary. Near the end of his life, jesus had an argument with the vendors in the Temple and for that he paid with his life. Why? We don´t know exactly. But each evangelist took upon himself to give his own interpretation, according to his theology and his audience. For Mark, Jesus wanted to open the Temple to the pagans, for Matthew, he wanted to purify it; for Luke, he wanted to adapt it. For John, what decided the death of Jesus was that he resurrected Lazarus.

Bible Exgesis Gospels Passion Narratives

Article Details

Author Biography

Ariel Álvarez Valdés, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Sacerdote Diocesano argentino. Licenciado en Teología Bíblica por la Facultad Bíblica Franciscana de
Jerusalén. Profesor de Sagrada Escritura en la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero. Ha publicado
más de cien artículos en revistas de diversos países del mundo, los cuales han sido recopilados en Cinco
Tomos de la Colección: ¿Qué sabemos de la Biblia?, Lumen, Buenos Aires.