Rethorical-Literary Analysis of Rm 8,31-39; “we are More than Conquerors Through him who Loved us” (part I)

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Saúl Nicólas Duque


We use for this article the rethorical literary method and take into account the persuasive (rethorical) function of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. We give priority to the text because it was written in order to communicate the apostle and the christian believers of Rom and furthermore we take into account the question about creation and transmission of the text (literary). We start from original text, in a own and literary traduction, continue with the “pre-text” (what precedes the text) and finish our analysis with the rethorical arrangement of Romans, from Rm 8 to our pericop Rm 8,31-39. Rm 8,31-39 is a true peroratio in which aspects and thematic not only of Rm 8 but of complete section of Rm 5-8 attains a synthesis.

Bible Exegesis New testament Pablo Rethorical analysis


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Author Biography

Saúl Nicólas Duque, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Teología Bíblica de la Pontificia Univerasidad Gregoriana – Roma. Sacerdote de la Diócesis de Sonsón, Rionegro.