Hermeneutics of the Caritas in Veritate

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Carlos Arboleda Mora


Caritas in Veritate (CV), the last encyclical of Benedict XVI, has a context of intellectual reflection that, brief, will be described in this work. This context can be summarized in: 1. The polemical dialogue with Habermas on secularization and Böckenförde’s theses on the capitalism; 2. The recovery, in Augustinian form, of the christian identity (for the return to a protocristianity), and 3. The offer of a trinitarian humanism. These precedents allow to look at the new approach that the Pope has given to the theological reflection in the church. It is a question here neither of a presentation summarized of the contents of the CV, nor of a commentary to some principal points; it is rather, a reflection on the academic background of the proposals of the encyclical and of the logical tensions that sublie as sociocultural context. 

Caritas in veritate Prepolitical background of the State Augustinism Trinitarian humanism


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carlos Arboleda Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Magíster en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín y Sociólogo de la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Actualmente
es profesor interno en la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia
Bolivariana; Director del Grupo de Investigación “Religión y Cultura” categoría “A” de Colciencias.