When the Churches were Colored and Transparent the Saints

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Carlos Ángel Arboleda Mora


This essay raises that the gothic, specially at its origins, had a platonic and neo-platonic influence. The abbot suger received the influence of the pseudo Dionysus through the lens of Scotus Eriugena and specially from the augustinism of Hugo de Saint-Víctor. In this way he conceived a mystical style based on the philosophy of the linght. The gothic church is symbolically the place of the crossing of the foursome whwrw god appears, point that is analyzed from Heidegger, and where man has the experience of the mystical flash of platonic and augustinian origins.

Gothic Dionysius the areopagite Quaternity Mystics Mystical flash


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Author Biography

Carlos Ángel Arboleda Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Filosofía; Magíster por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Magíster en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Director del grupo de investigación religión y cultura de la universidad Pontifica Bolivariana, Medellín-Colombia.

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