The Song of Songs and its Concept of Desire: an Approach from Biblical Hermeneutics and philosophy

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Omar Julián Álvarez Tabares


This essay deals with the Song of Songs and brings up a research about the concept of desire given by the Bible and philosophy, both shapers of the Western Culture. The concept of desire is constrasted by two diferent perspectives from which the desire is analysed as deficiency, power and possibilty, within its political and anthropological expressions. The reflection implies a stand that recovers the desire as an inseparable element of the human condition. It is the desire inherent to the human condition that gives the way to great deeds and failures of immeasurable projects alike. Nevertheless, the author bets for the desire as liberator of eros and transformer of the western way of thinking; this gambling is marked both by strong passions and reasons.

Desire Eros Bible Philosophy Hermeneutics


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Author Biography

Omar Julián Álvarez Tabares, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magister en Teología. Docente de la Facultad de Teología y humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Oriente, Rionegro - Colombia.

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