Karol Wojtyla and his personalistic vision of man

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Andrés Felipe López López


The main concern of Karol Wojtyla as a thinker is the quest for man, centered in the defense of the dignity of the human person. Wojtila is a thinker and a writer on Christian humanism and his style is imbued with personalistic philosophy. His writings and re6ections deal with the truth about man, life and love.
Jrough an interpretative exercise, this study describes how personalism is a valid anthropological and philosophical option nowadays, when there is a conspiracy against life as a common phenomenon. Jis is the analysis defended by the author of this study concerning the ontological postulates of the thinker Wojtila on human topics, and following this order of ideas, the question of “dignity” is the core issue for the Holy Father. Jis notion entails the personalistic norm of action which determines the condition of a person as an end not as a mean; the person has an irreducible dignity, the fundamental good in life. Je focus of this article has been put on the identi:cation of the particular humanistic vision Karol Wojtyla, as a philosopher and highest pontiff of the church.

Human person Personalism Phenomenology Anthropology Karol Wojtyla


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Author Biography

Andrés Felipe López López, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Filósofo por Universidad Ponti:cia Bolivariana de Medellín; estudiante de maestría en Filosofía de la Universidad Ponti:cia Bolivariana. Estudiante investigador del grupo de investigación :losó:ca “Epimeleia” de la Universidad Ponti:cia Bolivariana, categoría B de Colciencias. Linea de investiación: Antropología, Ética y Sociedad. Profesor de Filosofía y jefe de los departamentos de Ciencias Sociales y Filosofía del Colegio Salesiano El Sufragio. Director de investigación del Colegio Salesiano el Sufragio.