Communication UPB Journal: A legacy of half a century of intellectual inspiration

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Beatriz Elena Marín Ochoa


The magazine Comunicación, published by the Faculty of Social Communication - journalism of the School of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Bolivarian University, UPB, first circulated in 1974, in a young academic community that sought to position their knowledge and give an account of the discussions and research advances developed in their classrooms.

During these fifty years he has distinguished himself by an exercise in scientific production, rigorous and committed to society in which several generations of students, teachers, graduates and researchers have participated.

The publication that began as a print journal with a focus on scientific dissemination, today is part of the digital newspaper library of the UPB and advances on its way to indexing that includes systems such as: Redib, Class, Dialnet, Doaj, Circ, Communication Source (EBSCO), Erihplus and Latindex, and information and summary such as: Aura, Miar, Road, Base, Peri.dicos Capes (Brazil), LatinRev, PkPIndex, E Revistas, Europub, Hesburgh Libraries and Academia.

But also, Communicación, is a free open access journal for readers and authors, and a reference of university scientific publication that wants to continue being an ideal space for discussion, the reflection, innovation and social appropriation of new knowledge among its readers from local, national and international academic communities.  

Communication Journalism Social Sciences University Journal Appropriation

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Author Biography

Beatriz Elena Marín Ochoa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctora en Comunicación y Periodismo por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España), Líder del Foco Estratégico Multicampus de Humanización y Cultura, Líder Unidad de Apropiación Social del Conocimiento e Investigadora del Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Urbana, GICU de la Facultad de Comunicación Social Periodismo de la UPB.