For an increasingly necessary interreligious dialogue in the face of intolerance and violence
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Religions were born to be a source of peace, enlightenment and liberation. Yet, their historical realization has been and is still marked by dynamics of aggression and confrontation, of violence and destructive intolerance of the other. This is the most problematic situation to which religion is called to respond effectively. This requires more than at any other time in history an authentic interreligious dialogue for the plurality of our current societies and of our globalized world. This dialogue, which is more than simple tolerance, has certain presuppositions that are marked by the recognition that all religions are true because they are ways of salvation; therefore, they have a part of the Truth, which is one, but which none of the religions exclusively possess. God is always greater than any religion can say about him. Fleeing from syncretism and confusion, since the dialogue is carried out from the different identities, each religion must recognize that it is a different way to achieve the only goal. That is why a dia-logos is necessary in recognition that our particular truths (logos) must always be on the way (dia) in search of the only Truth.
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