Coptic liturgical texts relating to Agathon the Stylite

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Youhanna Nessim Youssef


While Egypt was the cradle of monasticism since Antony, the stylite type of monasticism is rarely represented in the Coptic corpus of monastic literature. Hence every text will contribute to our knowledge. In this article, we will highlight the importance of the city of Sakha, in the book of history of the Patriarchs, the book of the Churches and Monasteries (twelfth century). The liturgical texts relating to this saint are exceedingly rare, hence the importance publishing all texts. We will edit, translate all the liturgical texts relating to one of this group, we were able to find a doxology Batos not attested in most of the manuscripts as well as the texts of the Antiphonarion (Difnar). It is important to mention that this saint lived in Lower-Egypt around the sixth-seventh century which means that it was around the time of important events such as the usurper of Phocas, the Persian invasion, the Byzantine reconquest, and the Arabic conquest. He was influenced by the biography of the great Simon the Stylite. Nowadays, no traces of his cult survive in Sakha which explains the rarity of manuscripts containing anything relating to this saint, however Sakha is nowadays known as a step of the journey of the Holy Family.


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Author Biography

Youhanna Nessim Youssef, Stockholm School of Theology, Sankt Ignatios college, University College Stockolm, Sweden

PhD in Coptology, Montpellier University, Paul Valery, France. Senior lecturer at Stockholm School of Theology, Sankt Ignatios college, University College Stockolm, Sweden. Associate Professor (Honorary), St Athanasius University of Divinity, Australia.