Considerations about God for our Time

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José Carlos Caamaño


The article addresses, in five points, some considerations regarding some of the challenges faced when talking about God in our time. The tension between the fidelity of the message and paying attention to the new demands of our time is a concern that is present across it. The aim of the article is to warn against some aspects we must consider in our language and approaches. The latter determine the conclusions, and because of that we might reach standardized answers, despite of how creative our way is. Thus, though our approaches might be traditional, if we dare explore new spaces, it is likely that we might find novel challenges. Likewise, the article considers some remarkable moments of the magisterium of Pope Francis, who has expressed some concerns regarding an ideological, functional, and clerical paralysis of the Gospel. The article begins with the difficulty of admitting the fidelity of a God, who appears to be elusive and distant. Then, it considers truth from the standpoint of two risks: understanding it as solid, unmovable, and complete; or seeing it as dynamic, ungraspable, and ethereal. Third, it addresses the issue of the truth of God, as a being that exists in communion with humanity and that persists in its presence. This mystery of presence and communion leads to the issue of the persona and difference in God as foundation both for dialogue and tolerance. Finally, it warns against the always latent logic of idolatry.   

Fidelity Being Relationship Absolute Person Communion Presence Difference Idolatry Humanity


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Article Details

Author Biography

José Carlos Caamaño, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctor en Teología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Profesor ordinario titular en la Facultad de Teología y coordinador del Grupo de Investigación de Cultura Popular en la misma Universidad. Director de la Revista Teología. Miembro del Grupo Iberoamericano de Teología, con Sede en el Boston College, EE. UU. Es también miembro del Grupo Ecclesia In América, con Sede en Universidad de Notre Dame, EE. UU - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, y del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO sobre “El cuidado de la casa común” con el tema “Dios”.