Retribución y juicio de Dios en Rm 1-3 los pro y los contra del problema y propuesta de interpretación

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Jean-Nöel Alett


The first words of the letter to the Romans unveils from the start the main theme of the Gospel. But, just from the very beginning too Paul speaks about the wrath of God using a discourse on the divine judgement as if, for him, one should associate the wrath of God to the Gospel. There is no doubt that Rom 1-3 is all centered in the revelation of the wrath of God and this entails decisive questions about the understanding of the Gospel itself. The author follows here the developments given by the Apostle on this topic and tries to determine its function within the whole letter showing us its difficulties and achievements.

Gospel Revelation Judgement Divine wrath

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Author Biography

Jean-Nöel Alett, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Jesuita. Doctor en Sagrada Escritura del Instituto Bíblico de Roma. Profesor en el Instituto bíblico de Roma. Entro otros ha publicado: Saint Paul, Epître aux Ephésiens, Ed. Gabalda, coll. «Etudes bibliques», Paris 2001, 352 p.; Israël et la loi dans la lettre aux Romains, Les éditions du Cerf, coll. «Lectio divina», Paris 1998, 320 p.; Quand Luc raconte : le récit comme théologie, Cerf, coll. «Lire la Bible n° 115», Paris 1998, 302 p.; Jésus-Christ fait-il l’unité du Nouveau Testament ?, Desclée, coll. «Jésus et Jésus-Christ n° 61», 1994, 296 p.