El discurso del buen pastor en Juan 10

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Johannes Beutler, S.J.


There is no doubt about the importance one should give to the words of the Good Shepherd in John 10. Nevertheless, very few studies have dealt with the dynamics of the narrative, its inner structure and, especially, with its relationship within the context of the fourth Gospel. We know even less about the links of this text with others in the Old Testament, what is said in the Jewish Tradition and other writings between the two Testaments. Needless to say that a close study of these sources will give an exegetical and hermeneutical focus and a new perspective to these words of Jesus. This could also be achieved without overlooking different studies and interpretations of these verses given by worlwide known exegetes.

Good Shepherd John 10 Old Testament Intertestament literature

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Author Biography

Johannes Beutler, S.J., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Licenza in Scienze Bibliche al Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Roma. Dottorato in Teologia alla Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma. Rettore Accademico della Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Sankt Georgen.
Co-presidente di un Seminario della Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Membro della Pontificia
Commissione Biblica (1993-2001). Prof. Ordinario d’Esegesi di Nuovo Testamento alla Pontificia
Università Gregoriana. Nel 2003 Prof. Emerito d’all Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Roma.