The theological task and it´s semantic field. A presentation based on Bernard Lonergan

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Consuelo Vélez


This article deals with the complementarity which can be drawn between popular wisdom and theoretical mediations; between scholar theology and pastoral theology; between religious considerations and theology; and, finally, between theology and human sciences. These comparisons are done altoghether following the Lonergan approach related to the adaptation of the intentional conscience and the differenciation of semantic fields. The article also opens a dialogue between the Latinoamerican theology and Lonergan´s epistemology by showing in Clodovis Boff´s writings the urgency to foster this complementarity in the fields already mentionned and in order to ensure an integral theological task.

Pastoral theology Scholar theology Bernard Lonergan Clodovis Boff

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Author Biography

Consuelo Vélez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctora en Teología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río, Brasil. Directora de la Licenciatura y Carrera de Teología, Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá.