Movements in the church, new communities and the local church

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Human groups and individuals show a great capacity of adaptation in the socio-cultural context of our world and this happens even in everyday situations. The Catholic Church is not alien to this environment and, in fact, is affected by this phenomenon. No one wonders if in such context appear new ecclesial movements, new communities and new groups, many of them claiming to be the result of the charismatic action of the Holy Spirit. No one wonders also, in this case, if they are looking for a convenient status within the believers’ community. The author describes this situation and considers some criteria to deal with it (even canonical) to facilitate a dialogue with these movements and with only one aim in mind: to be faithful to the Lord Jesus, to announce him and his Kingdom in a pluralistic world.

Ecclesial movements Local Church Holy Spirit A Church of Communion

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Author Biography

, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en teología por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Profesor de teología sistemática en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro. Actualmente es miembro de la Comisión Teológica Internacional. Entre sus libros se destacan: Um catolicismo desafiado: Igreja e pluralismo religioso no Brasil, Paulinas, São Paulo 1996; El cristianismo face às religiões, Loyola, São Paulo 1998.