Justice and law, a fondamental distinction in the Bible

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The author deals with the difference between justice and law in the Bible. His starting point are some verses whose analysis show clearly the overlapping of both concepts: Ex 1, 15-22; 2, 1-10; 2 Sam 21, 1-14. This same difference, still in force in our judiciary system today, implies clearly that is necessary to affirm certains rights that are above the Law of the States. The Bible considered the Book of the believers claims God as its own foundation, knows quite well this
difference and helps us to identify and denunciate those moments when, even today, it is necessary to put justice above the law.

Bible Theology Law Justice

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Author Biography

, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Jesuita Belga. Doctor en Sagrada Escritura del Pontificio Instituto Bíblico de Roma. Actualmente es docente de Antiguo Testamento en la misma institución y profesor invitado a numerosas universidades
del mundo. Ha escrito muchos libros y artículos en revistas especializadas. Entre sus libros se destacan en castellano: Introducción a la lectura del Pentateuco; Cosas nuevas y viejas, El camino y la casa; Abraham y sus huéspedes; Los enigmas del pasado. Y en colaboración : Análisis narrativo de relatos del Antiguo Testamento, Cuaderno Bíblico, 107.