Bible and evolution in Teilhard de Chardin

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Humberto Jiménez G.


Teilhard de Chardin has an idea which summarizes all his thinking and helps to put in order a doctrine which seems to be, at first sight, scattered here and there. It is the idea of evolution. For Teilhard, the concept of evolution opens the way to explain and to give a meaning to reality as a whole. Following this idea it is a process toward unity. For a being, the degree of its perfection depends on its unity. This march toward unity is manifested in several ways all of them convergent. At a human level, it appears in socialization leading to «planetization». What Teilhard calls planetization, is called today globalization. Its expressions are: the European Economic Community, the UNO, the OEA, the treaties of free trade, the ecumenical movement and the inter religious dialogue. The achievement of such process will be the Omega Point, identified as Christ by Teilhard. To this final Point converge all the dynamics of the universe coming from different levels.

Bible Teilhard de Chardin Christ Theology

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Author Biography

Humberto Jiménez G., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Sacerdote Diocesano. Licenciado en Teología por la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Egresado del Instituto Bíblico de Roma. Estudios de actualización en la Universidad de Bonn. Profesor en la  Maestría de Estudios Bíblicos Universidad de Antioquia. Profesor Emérito Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.