The Christology in the Documents of the Aparecida Conference: an Itinerary from Medellín to Aparecida

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Alvaro Cadavid Duque


After a short survey of the Christology in the Medellín, Puebla and Santo Domingo documents, this article deals with recent christological emphasis in the recent Document of Aparecida. The author believes that this document is in harmony with the primitive Christology of the New Testament which describes Jesus as the “Living One”, the “Lord of Life” and fountain of life. By doing so, the document proposes the “encounter” with Jesus as the key to any kind of discipleship and mission in the Church. It means, in fact, an “encounter” which gives the disciple overflowing “Life” while the thankful and joyful disciple,
conscious of such gift, takes courage to be a missionary who announces life and brings life to persons and peoples of Latin America and the Antillean islands.

Christology Magisterium in Latin America Ecclesiology History of the church in Latin America Latinoamerican theology

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Author Biography

Alvaro Cadavid Duque, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Teología por la Pontificia Facultad de Teología de Granada-España. Entre sus publicaciones se
encuentran: Hacer Creíble el Anuncio Cristiano en América Latina, CELAM, Santafé de Bogotá 1988; Los
Signos de los Tiempos una perspectiva latinoamericana, CELAM, Santafé de Bogotá 1998. Actualmente
es profesor visitante en el CELAM.