The “Memorial” in the New Testament, each Time and for Ever. Biblical and Theological Annotations

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Hernán Cardona Ramírez, sdb


When the scholars deal with the “Memorial” in the New Testament, they generally look over the oldest manuscript of 1 Co 11, 23-26. But the scarcity of references to this passage in the New Testament invites the reader to the Old Testament where the “Memorial” crops up related to the Hebrew word “zikkarón” in the feast which celebrates the liberation of Egypt and the Passage of Exodus. Nevertheless, the Exodus passages were fixed after the exile in Babylon and that´s the reason it remembers the history of Israel when the Passover  remained unified with the feast of the Unleavened Bread. These features are closely linked with the Passover meal where Jesus asked his disciples to be transformed in “zikkarón” for the benefit of the Community. It´s from this point that the “Memorial” recovers its existential meaning for the believers today as well as a living style modeled on Jesus way of life.

Bible Memorial New testament Old testament Passover Easter


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Author Biography

Hernán Cardona Ramírez, sdb, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Salesiano, presbítero. Doctor en Teología Bíblica por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín.
Magíster en Estudios Bíblicos y Magíster en Teología con énfasis en Sagrada Escritura. Docente del área
bíblica en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín – Colombia. Director de los postgrados en
teología y del grupo de investigación “Grubteo”, reconocido por Colciencias en la categoría “A” y con
certificado Icontec, Iso 9001-2000, hasta 2012.