The Meeting in Aparecida and Popular Religiousness: A Summit in the Development of a Reflection

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Juan José Lydon McHugh, OS


The author deals with an historical presentation running from Medellín to the Conference of Aparecida where he points out to the various attitudes these meetings have taken toward popular religiousness. At the beginning, as a result of the waves of rationalism which came around the sixties, there was a rather negative vision of popular religiousness but, later on, there appeared a different vision which recognizes cultural values in such religiousness together with negative features. The article explains how the Conference of Aparecida recognizes popular religiousness as an evangelical force by itself and not merely as a receptacle for evangelization… It remains to be seen how the evangelization could be carried out through it.

Ecclesiology Latin-American Magisterium Popular Religiousness Conference of Catholic Bishops Pastoral

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Author Biography

Juan José Lydon McHugh, OS, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Nació en Toronto, Canadá en el año de 1955. Realizó su Bachillerato en Educación y Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Villanova, EE.UU en el año de 1977. Master de Teología en Washington, EE.UU. Doctor en Teología de la Facultad de Misionología de la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, Roma. Actualmente es profesor en el Seminario Arquidiócesano San Carlos y San Marcelo de Trujillo, Perú.