The Human Being as a Cosmoteandric Reality

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José Luis Meza Rueda


Although the anthropological theology has made every effort to overcome the dualism of body a nd soul in its perception of the human being, it is still bound by the influence of the Hellenistic thinking on Christian theology. It is also necessary to go beyond the unity professed by Vatican II in GS 22. In this sense, it is worthy to take note of the relevant contribution given by Raimon Panikkar when he thinks the human being as a non-dual unity framed within de cosmoteandric intuition of reality as a condition which affords him to say that “man is body, soul and spirit”. Such axiom not only shows his relational nature (because Man is a person) linking his essence with God and the World, but because this axiom takes us back to the original essence of the Semitic thinking gathered not only in the Old Testament (basar, néfesh, rúah) but also in the New Testament (soma, psyche y pneuma). In other words, we are speaking about the Trinitarian dimension of the human being present in our tradition but also in other primordial religious traditions.

Theological anthropology Teandropocosmism Cosmoteandric intuition Body and soul dualism Raimon Panikkar

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Author Biography

José Luis Meza Rueda, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Magíster en Docencia de la Universidad De La Salle. Candidato al Doctorado en Teología de la Universidad Javeriana. Especialista en Educación Sexual de la FUM. Especialista en Desarrollo humano y social del Instituto Pío X de Madrid (España). Licenciado en Ciencias Religiosas de la Universidad De La Salle. Autor de Educadores, ministros de la Iglesia (2005), El discernimiento y el proyecto de vida (2002), La afectividad y la sexualidad en la vida
religiosa (2000) y La afectividad y el proyecto de vida (1996); coautor de Pedagogía y Teología (2003).
Actualmente es profesor e investigador de la Universidad Javeriana y de la Universidad De La Salle.