The Priest, Artisan of World

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Hernando Uribe Carvajal OCD


It is a reflection on the common priesthood on the faithful and the ministerial priesthood, intimately linked. Now the priest of the Old Testament (hiereis) had the essential function of keeping the people aware of his priestly character and thus glorify God with their whole existence. As Christ makes all things new, even more, he is the new act of God, the ultimate goal of the priestly ministry, like the one priesthood of Christ, is to “make the world becomes part of the body of Christ, so that God may be all in all “(J. Ratzinger) in anoter words, to make the world the temple and the offering to God. The profession of the priest is human and divine at once. Is called to render the existence of the Creator put the stamp in every gesture of love, which binds every moment heaven and earth, the earth and heaven.

Pristhood Eclesiology Spirituality


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Author Biography

Hernando Uribe Carvajal OCD, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Santo Tomás, Roma. Actualmente pertenece al Instituto de Espiritualidad de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.