Church’s role in the political configuration of the New Granada. 1840-1850
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The political influence of the neogranadina Church always was present within the political, manifest processes in the practices to exert the power and to influence in him. Of such way, from the beginnings of the formation of the modern State, to its consolidation like republic, happening through the algidest and conflicting moments of the independentistas processes, and later to the conformation of the political parties, the Church marked in the first part of
century XIX the regional and national policy of New Granada. In this scene of the political historiography and religious taking forms a a personage who played a decision-making role within the Church and exerted an influence in the national policy. Therefore, he appears monsignor Manuel Jose Mosquera, Archbishop of Bogota, that from the episcopado one it promoted, in this period of New Granada, a determined political race to locate in the scope of the political and state power to his nearer supporters, reflecting at every moment its dowries like politician, shepherd and diplomat in the game difficult to exert the political and religious power. All its task like prefect of the Church, was channeled in maintaining the protagonism of the Church like instance to reach the noblest ideals of the society and therefore, of the neogranadino state.
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