Conscience of Sin and Sense of Culpabilily

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María Isabel Gil Espinosa


Sin is fundamentally a religious concept because it fits into the context of our personal relationship with God who calls and loves unconditionally. This relationship involves a personal response by man to God’s call. Therefore the notion of sin is primarily a religious issue related to God. Sin is only understood from a God’s experience. This experience leads to an image or idea of God and plays a key role in, like it or not, the lives of believers and their own experience of faith. However, the experience of sin has led many Christians to experience a deep fear caused by an understanding of the Christian mystery related to fear of eternal punishment which is present in the image of a God. A God inspires who creates more fear than love. Thas, believers perceive existence as a constant reparation for sin. The difficulty seems to be caused by a misconception of sin seems to be a misunderstanding of sin, which leads people to experience of anguish and suffering in such a way that they can not enjoy the grace, freedom and a horizon of hope which conveys the forgiveness of God.

Sin Promise Grace Justification Salvation Hope


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Author Biography

María Isabel Gil Espinosa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Candidata al doctorado en Teología. Magíster en Teología (2002), Especialista en Bioética 2000) y
Licenciada en Ciencias Religiosas (1997) por la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Profesora asistente de
la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Bogotá.