The Beauty: an Experience of God that Anyone Can Afford

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Every man in the bottom of his heart has a natural desire to see God. In order to fulfill this vehement desire, although he is a finite and limited creature, he needs to go beyond himself and return to his Creator; this can only be achieved, basically, in the other life. Then, ¿how to enjoy here on earth the vision of God beforehand? In his mercifulness he provided that even here and nowadays the human being may meet him through the mystic experience, given graciously . And as a basis to mystical thanksgiving, he also provided that we might attain him easily through the contemplation and admiration of his infinite and uncreated Beauty, reflected on his creatures. Therefore, both the esthetic and the mystic experience are intimately connected and competing to win souls for God. The proposal is, indeed, to investigate this natural human desire to see God and the characteristics and power of the esthetic experience in order to reach the mystique and how to proceed from one experience to the other. 

Capax Dei Esthetic Experience Pulchrum Beauty Flash Mystical


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Author Biography

, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Licenciado Canónico en Teología de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Actualmente realiza estudios de doctorado en la misma Universidad. Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Pontificio Heraldos del Evangelio.